Massage From President of Council
According to the President of the Provisional Council, Patrick Gandil EUROCONTOL has a significant effect on air transport management and it keeps increasing its effectiveness. Furthermore, there will be a new member which is the 41st member, Estonia and there are number of other countries in progress. According to the stakeholder survey in 2013, the member states have shown that they are ready to adapt EUROCONTROL to the changing environment, but EUROCONTROL should remain as an intergovernmental organization and it shows the power and dynamic structure of this organization. In addition as a result of this power and dynamic structure delays decrease to 0.53 minutes per flight due to the air traffic flow management. While this is below the 2013 target of 0.6 minutes, it is still above the 2014 target of 0.5 minutes. However achieving these numbers is not easy due to the insufficient capacity of the air traffic control.
EUROCONTROL serves as Europe’s Network Manager for its members. It gathers air traffic control elements in order to reduce delay and risk. It also recommends most efficient routes in order to minimize environment impact. Furthermore, they also manage scarce resources, such as the radio frequency spectrum, and serve as a central point for crisis coordination. It also has a platform to create military civil cooperation. It links airports with the air traffic management network promote global interoperability, monitor and assess air traffic management’s performance right across Europe, helping its member states to meet their goals and targets. It helps to prepare for the future in our research and development activities. It contribute to financing the entire civil aviation system by running a central route charges system for the calculation, billing, collection and distribution of air navigation services charges. In addition to promoting good performance, it is also recognized for its expertise in monitoring, analyzing and benchmarking air traffic management’s performance, both in Europe and more widely. It is implementing a range of Centralized services that will be cheaper and more operationally efficient to run than if they were implemented on a regional or local level. Centralized services will create a competitive market for the provision of air traffic management services in Europe. EUROCONROL does all of these in order to have more effective net work for the thirty one member state and achieving Single European Sky project.
From all of these data we can understand that EUROCONTROL has a great effect on European civil aviation. It maximizes safety and minimizes distance, costs and time lost and in order to do that it uses complex calculations with in internal governmental mechanism. It also tries to predict and divert the future. Since the aviation has grown dramatically, the need for Single European Sky increase and EUROCONROL create legislative framework for European aviation with the Single European Sky packages.
We all know the importance of EUROCONTROL as a powerful executive of Single European Sky. However, I am not aware of the time interval that much important! From 2013 to 2014, EUROCONTROL trying to decrease the rate of dynamic structure delays from 0.53 to 0.5.
YanıtlaSilEUROCONTROL is very successful organisation in the European Union. This organisation aware of its responsibility and behave in this manner. Its regulations are very strict and it tries to regulate the European Air Traffic in a very efficient way, and it manages this. I hope to found an organisation in the Middle East, and also hope Turkey to be the manager of this organisation in soon because in Turkey Aviation industry has been improving since 2002 and there will be an airport in every city soon, and the air traffic will be crowded.
YanıtlaSilBu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.
YanıtlaSilDay by day, EUROCONTROL will have more responsibilities. Because, the development of Africa and Asia continents in aviation will affect Europe more. Europe is the central of aviation, so traffic will increase. EUROCONTROL must think prospectively and take precautions from now. Even though 0.53 minute is not a problem for today, this timing will not be enough in the future.